Our parents and grandparents, 57 million of them strong, are sucking the life out of this country enjoying their retirements, their entitlement of social security benefits, and the privilege of Medicare. These retirees knowingly fund organizations that lobby for more, buying Congress, ignoring the fact that what they take for their end-of-life comfort does nothing to improve the nation that they will be leaving behind.
42 million 50-somethings are running America; ineptly controlling Congress and the White House. They are petrified to change current laws as their selfish, aging or dependent constituencies demand a continuation of the status quo. They like their cushy government jobs and the lifetime of entitlements that come with them. The current election rules and fundraising system stifles growth and is impeding progress. The 50-somethings, close to retirement themselves, have no incentive to change a system that they know is broken but that will provide them the same comfort as those who have come before them. The fox is watching the henhouse.
The 40 million or so 30-somethings are stuck in a survival circuit. With young children and upside-down mortgages, they have no choice but to deal with the current system. Their children are under educated in mediocre schools and they are too preoccupied surviving to involve themselves in working to change the system.
The 42 million up and coming generation of 20-somethings are on the streets, protesting, living in tents, ranting in 160 characters or less, undefined, unfocused, and undisciplined. They seem to have focused on complaining about their inability to earn, expecting that the government and banking system are there to take care of them. They have this terrible misunderstanding that their country should do for them rather than they need to do for their country.
The current crop of young children, 62 million and counting, is completely fixated on the scourge of technology, stimulated by avatars rather more so than interaction with human beings. They seem to find more satisfaction in reading someone’s status update than they do selflessly helping others. What a mess!
What is left are the 40-somethings, not a perfect group by any means, but some 43 million of us are working hard to raise families, maintain jobs, keep food on the table…and everyone’s looking to us, in our prime earning and saving years, to take the little that is left over and look after them instead of saving for our futures. What will be left for us? Adding insult to injury is that in addition to the 30 million Americans currently on welfare, we are also supporting 10-15 million undocumented illegal aliens who are sucking resources and not paying their taxes. Why can’t everyone just get real for a moment? This can’t go on forever! We are taking America for granted.
What is left are the 40-somethings, not a perfect group by any means, but some 43 million of us are working hard to raise families, maintain jobs, keep food on the table…and everyone’s looking to us, in our prime earning and saving years, to take the little that is left over and look after them instead of saving for our futures. What will be left for us? Adding insult to injury is that in addition to the 30 million Americans currently on welfare, we are also supporting 10-15 million undocumented illegal aliens who are sucking resources and not paying their taxes. Why can’t everyone just get real for a moment? This can’t go on forever! We are taking America for granted.
- Vote for candidates that are willing to sacrifice their political careers to vote for the American good.
- If you’re unemployed, it’s your job to find a job, not the government’s job to make a job for you.
- Welfare is not a lifestyle; education breaks the cycle, America must invest in education until it hurts.
- If you are cheating the IRS, you’re cheating the children, shame on you. Pay your taxes.
- If you’re taking social security and you don’t’ really need it, stop stealing from your children.
- Congress can’t be trusted to do what’s right for the Country when they’re owned by special interest groups.
- Most of the 30 million citizens on welfare need to be weaned off of welfare.
- Don’t resent paying more in taxes; resent people who pay no taxes at all.
- Butter over guns, every day. Fighting accomplishes nothing. Fewer wars. Spend more at home.
- Globalization is here to stay; we need to manufacture what we consume, not import it.